Reggie Brooke
2 Month Stats
Height: 23 1/2 inches.....90%
Weight: 11 pounds....51%
Head Circumference: 39 1/2.....60%
Our beautiful Reggie girl is already 2 months old!! She's almost 3 months now [I started this post over weeks ago but got a little busy and didn't get back to it]. She is such a fun happy baby! She spoils us big time. :) Knock on wood, I usually only have to get up once during the night and sometimes she sleeps through the night. She smiles and plays with us quite often. Well she plays with me a lot. When she goes to Rocky, it is usually to put her to sleep. She's figured that out so she's been crying whenever Rocky gets her. He's been trying to play with her more that way she won't think he's the Sandman. :)
We had pictures taken by Eric Gordon and I scheduled them for the day she turned 2 months old. I can't even wait to see the rest of the pictures and to get some of them framed and up in our home.
We really can't get over how cute and beautiful she is! She's got so much hair and it keeps getting longer. Hopefully that will continue. :) It's starting to get a good curl to it which is so cute! She's SO TALL!!! As you could see from her stats, she's in the 90th percentile for height. We can't tell that she's gaining weight because she's growing in inches and also because we're around her all the time.
She also likes to be in the water and usually cries when we take her out of it. She doesn't really like getting dressed either. She'd be content to hang out in her diaper. It makes sense because our A/C wasn't working when she was first home so she'd hang out in her diaper majority of the day.
She drools like crazy! I think she's going to start teething soon...
She is usually very content and she's such a morning person it's hilarious! The time that she gets fussy is around nighttime when it's getting close to bedtime. She's not nearly as happy at night as she is in the mornings.
It's crazy how fast she's growing! It really is true that time flies especially when you have kids! I'm so thankful for her and the opportunity that I have to be her mother. I know that Rocky really enjoys her and being a dad. He's so great with her and it's fun to watch! :)
All-in-all, we love our Reggie Girl and wish time would slow down a little bit! :)